Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sargasso Sea: Bermuda video highlights importance of floating seaweed

A quick follow up to a recent post I wrote on efforts by Bermuda and the Pew Environment Group to establish a national marine park that would provide some measure of protection to the sargassum that surrounds Bermuda - the island is situated within the Sargasso Sea, a shoreless body of water bordered not by land but by rotating currents in the mid-Atlantic.

The idea of establishing a marine park is not falling on deaf ears within Bermuda itself. Bernews, one of Bermuda's online news outlets ran a brief article today describing the ongoing efforts and included a brief video produced by Look Bermuda. The video gives a good accounting as to why a national marine park would be good for the island, the sargassum, and the countless number of species that call this floating seaweed home.

Sargasso Teaser from LookBermuda on Vimeo.

Source: Bernews.

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