Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Squid Responds to Voice

Aran Mooney, scientists from the Woods Hole Oaceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts, United States, found that the squid was reacting to the sound. He presented the findings at the arena Ocean Science Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, last week.

Mooney conducted the study in his laboratory. He put some tail squid in a tank containing sea water. Mooney plays with a variety of sound frequency and volume and then see the response of squid.

"The squid react within 10 milliseconds. Reaction is very fast, and this is a reflex. This is very important in the behavior respin because it suggests that the squid is thought to process the signal, decided not to respond. They just do it," said Mooney.

Monney, as quoted by the BBC on Sunday (2/26/2012), adding, "The response of squid can be very dynamic, can change color, move around quickly or remove the ink. Squid is also a charming cool because you can see some range of color change. "

According to Mooney, the squid can hear thanks to the organ called satocyst. The organ has a similar structure of bone that comes with the hair. Kerika sound waves come, the hair moves and the signal was sent to the brain.

Mooney said the squid may use the hearing to determine the direction of motion, for example away from or close to the reef, to the surface or into the depths of the ocean.

Ability to hear groups of animals were also found in cephalopods except squid. Mooney plans to continue his studies in other types of cephalopods.

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