Friday, March 9, 2012

all kinds of solar storms


This 2006 Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) image shows a flare on the Sun. An unusual solar flare observed by a NASA space observatory on Tuesday could cause some disruptions to satellites, communications and power on Earth over the next day or so, officials said. An eruption of similar magnitude has not been witnessed since 2006


IN SPACE - JUNE 7: In this handout from NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory, a solar large flare erupts off the sun June 7, 2011 in space. A large cloud of particles flew up and then was pulled back down to the sun's surface. According to NASA, the event is not suppose have any effect once the particles reach the earth on either June 8 or June 9. (Photo by NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory via Getty Images)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mars Shines Bright

Tonight is the best night to see Mars. The red planet will appear bright and can be seen without a telescope. Apparent brightness of Mars this evening related to the process of revolution around the Sun, Mars is sometimes brought to the closest point to another planet.

On Saturday (3/3/3012) ago, Mars reaches opposition with the Earth. Mars opposition means the condition in which Mars is between the Sun and the Earth, much like the condition of the eclipse of the Moon.

Logically, if the opposition occurred on Saturday, then Mars will also be at the point nearest the Earth on the same day. But because of differences in the new orbit is the closest point reached on Monday (03/05/2012) or tonight.

Tonight, Mars will be at a distance of 100.7 million kilometers from Earth. Mars never reach the closest distance to Earth for 60,000 years in opposition events in 2003.

Three Artifacts Found in Pagar Alam Back

rack of ancient relics (artifacts), probably derived from the megalithic era, was discovered by residents Pagar Alam, South Sumatra, Sunday (4/3/3012). Up to now, has not expressed by certain types of artifacts found. Identification is still needed.

Information from local residents mentioned that the city and surrounding region known as Besemah with a lot of ancient relics.

It is a concern of researchers to trace the history of archeology and remember to this day still no reports of new findings that heritage is priceless.

The phenomenon of the Sun Day Without Shadow

Day without a shadow of the Sun will occur in some areas in Java. Solo will experience it on Thursday (01.03.2012), Semarang on Friday (2/3/3012), and Jepara on Saturday (3/3/3012). Meanwhile, Yogyakarta has experienced it on Wednesday (02/29/2012). How exactly are today without the shadow of the Sun?

In simple terms, the phenomenon can be explained by experiments at the Sun. You do this by enforcing a stick on a flat surface or sun exposed terrain and then observe its shadow.

On observations on normal days, when the early morning, the shadow will fall on the west, while the afternoon will fall to the east. At noon, the sun was directly overhead so that the shadow is very short.

"If we look at the day without a shadow of the Sun, about midday when the shadow will fall on the stick so that we do not see his shadow," said Mutoha Arkanuddin of Jogja Astro Club when contacted on Wednesday (29/02/2012).

Dogs and Cats

 Heart disease in dogs and cats are now beginning to be found in the veterinary practice. But practitioners are still constrained by science, medicine, and tools that hard to come by in Indonesia.

This is expressed by small animal practitioners DVM Amir Mahmud told Reuters on Sunday (03/04/2012). Drh Amir is following the National Conference of the Association of Small Animal Veterinary Practitioner Indonesia (National Conference ADHPHKI) and Small Animal Veterinary Scientific Conference, which took place from Friday (02/03/2012) in Surabaya, East Java.

Amir Mahmud DVM is the author of the Dogs Congestive Heart Failure (Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs). This book is the only book of heart disease in dogs the rise in Indonesia.

According to Amir DVM, in a scientific conference on Saturday (03.03.2012), came to light that the micro-surgery, endoscopy, ekhokardiografi, and the science of heart disease in dogs and cats are now growing in Indonesia.

Snake scales

Scales is key to the snakes in a move that can prevent slipping while on slippery surfaces. Hamid concluded Marvi, a biologist from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA, after doing research tekait functions snake scales.

In the first experiment, Marvi anesthetize snakes are moving and tilting motion of the surface so that the snake fell off. Meanwhile, a second experiment, Marvi disturb the snake's motion to be dropped without him sedated.

In each experiment, Marvi measure the angle and the coefficient of friction is created between the scales and the surface motion. The results showed that the coefficient of friction when the serpent realized 2-fold greater than when anesthetized snakes.

Mathematicians Reveal Eating Behavior Bees

Mathematicians of the Queen Mary School of Mathematical Sience, Rainer Klages and Lars Chittka of the School of Biological and Chemical Science, UK revealed that bees have a unique fly patterns.

Both scientists are observing the behavior of bees while foraging. The results were published in the journal Physical Review Letters this month.

Bees are known to have visited some flower nectar. Occasionally visited by some direct interest to get it. Researchers tested how predators influence such behavior.

Cooling molecules Earth

Scientists have long predicted the existence of molecular cooling the Earth. The presence of molecules that ultimately proved successful. Molecule called Criegee biradikal.

Researchers from the University of Manchester, University of Bristol and Sandia National Laboratories is able to prove its existence. They say that the Criegee biradikal is able to oxidize pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide from combustion.

The presence of these molecules was detected using the light from the third generation synchroton facility at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Oldest Ice in the Arctic Sea

Recent studies by NASA scientists, Joey Comiso, found that the oldest ice and the Arctic Sea disappeared tertebal alias melting faster than ice sheets younger and thinner. The findings were published in the Journal of Climate, published in February 2012. The oldest ice melt makes the Arctic region are increasingly threatened.

"Arctic ice cover becomes thinner and thinner because of losing the thick ice layer quickly. At the same time, the surface temperature in the Arctic increases, causing the formation of ice in short season," Comiso said that NASA was quoted on Wednesday (29/02/2012).

In the present study, Comiso perennial ice cover in comparing 1980 and 2012. Data taken by satellite on 1 November 1979-31 January 1980 and 1 November 2011-31 January 2012. Data is collected by the Nimbus-7 satellite and NASA's Microwave Imager Special Sendor / Sounder (SSMS) belonging to the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP).

Bonobo, Monkey Most Erotic

Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is probably one of the most erotic of the great apes. This monkey has a complex sexual behaviors are not just for reproduction but also other social needs. They periodically establish sexual contact with the opposite sex or same sex.

"Sex is used to reduce stress and competition, building cooperation, express and examine the social relationships, resolve conflicts, as well as individuals who have difficulty entertaining," said Zanna Clay from Emory University in Atlanta, USA.