Friday, March 2, 2012

Bonobo, Monkey Most Erotic

Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is probably one of the most erotic of the great apes. This monkey has a complex sexual behaviors are not just for reproduction but also other social needs. They periodically establish sexual contact with the opposite sex or same sex.

"Sex is used to reduce stress and competition, building cooperation, express and examine the social relationships, resolve conflicts, as well as individuals who have difficulty entertaining," said Zanna Clay from Emory University in Atlanta, USA.

Clay did research at Lola Ya Bonobo wildlife sanctuary in the Congo to explore the matter of communication and bonobo sexuality. Research results are published in the journal Scientific Report states that the female produces a distinctive call when going on a same-sex sexual contact.

Homosexual sex in bonobo females are not intended to sex itself, but also related to an attempt to gain status within the group.

"Through vocalization, female just trying to offer himself to establish contacts with key individuals sesksual in the group. It is all a matter of raising the social status of Bonobo females," said Clay told the BBC on Thursday (01/03/2012).

Clay and his team found that the calls are usually produced by a female that has a lower degree. Calls are more often performed when there is a dominant female, called the alpha female. Researchers said, calling the resulting female reproductive strategies relate.

Unlike the chimpanzee, bonobo population is predominantly male. Sexual interaction in a population antarbetina build together. Basically, togetherness is the key in the relationship Bonobo.

In the male bonobo, a type of sexual contact also occurs. After the conflict, touching male genitals to relieve tension.

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