Saturday, December 5, 2009

State of the Oceans Forum II: important ocean conservation panel discussion

As a member of the Explorers Club, I have had the honor and opportunity to meet some amazing people involved in a variety of scientific endeavors and participate in some great events. One such event that is coming up this Monday, December 7th is the State of the Oceans Forum II, a follow-up to an earlier event held this year.

The event, hosted by renown oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, will include presentations and panel discussions from distinguished scientists covering such subjects as ocean pollution, acidification, deep sea ocean conservation, and shaping effective ocean policy.

Is this a must see event? Well, let's put it this way, it's sold out and there's a lengthy waiting list. But never fear, there are options! I've been told that David Guggenheim of The Ocean Foundation and a participant in the forum, will be posting a podcast on the foundation's web site - is a great web site to check out and you'll be able to get the podcast of the State of the Oceans Forum II as soon as it's available. I couldn't make the trip to New York, unfortunately, so I'll be anxiously waiting for the podcast myself.

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